Which Method is Right for Me?
If you are choosing the abortion pill, you may be wondering if an online outlet such as Hey Jane is a good option for you. In our office we can partner with you so that you have medical expertise and support during this process. You are not alone.
At STWHS our experienced staff will do an ultrasound to see how far along you are, and if there are any serious complications such as a tubal pregnancy. We can also offer medical advice, pain management, and treatment if the pill does not work. Our staff are happy to answer questions and we have an after hours emergency on call service.
We are non-judgmental, friendly and can offer prompt appointments. We also have access to financial assistance, including help with transportation. Consider partnering with us if you think the abortion pill is right for you.
This checklist can help you decide if the abortion pill or the procedure would be best for you. For more information, see Common Questions or an explanation of the Abortion Pill.
Abortion Procedure
People who have these preferences/concerns are often more comfortable with an abortion procedure. Check what is true for you.
I really want to get this over with.
I want the method that is more of a sure thing.
My schedule is really busy. I can’t afford much downtime for this.
I am trying to hide this from my partner/parents or housemates
I am leaving town in the next week or so.
I live far away, or have a crazy schedule, so it would be hard to get back here for a follow-up exam.
I’m under 18 and my parents don’t know I’m pregnant or that I am having an abortion.
I have difficulty speaking English, especially over the phone.
My partner (or someone else) is upset and is trying to stop me from having an abortion.
I have a bleeding disorder/I am on corticosteroids (ex: prednisone)
I get very nervous about medical stuff. I worry that something dangerous might be happening.
Uncertainty drives me crazy; I really need to know what’s going on and whether it will work.
I am responsible for children or others and I don’t have anyone to help me with that.
I live out in the country and/or don’t have easy access to transportation.
I feel safer in a medical facility with a doctor and nurses around.
Abortion Pill
People who have these preferences/concerns are often more comfortable with the abortion pill. Check what is true for you.
I dread going to the doctor. I always get very anxious.
Pelvic exams are very difficult for me. I can never relax.
I would like to include my partner or other person in the whole process.
I like the idea that a miscarriage is more ‘natural.’
I have had a miscarriage with a lot of bleeding before so I know what that’s like.
I live close by and coming back for a follow-up exam would be no problem.
I am under 18 and my parents know all about what I am doing.
I would really like to take my time with this process and experience it.
I don’t panic or freak out with pain or bleeding.
I am usually very good at following directions about my health.
I know it’s hard to predict how this experience will be for me and I’m OK with that uncertainty.
My regular period bleeding is heavy. I am OK with lots of clots and bleeding.
I have easy access to a phone, transportation and I live pretty close to medical help if I need it.
I don’t have responsibilities for others and can clear my calendar the day after my appointment, and if need be, the following day too.
I would do anything to avoid needles or shots.
“I'm sure you hear this a lot, but I want you all to know that you're amazing. Thank you for doing what you do. My life wouldn't be the same if you weren't around. Thanks for all your support.”
- Kody, Patient of Southern Tier Women’s Health Services, LLC